Observations of life through the eyes of a poet, and the heart of a hippie.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fading Daylight

from my perch above the city
I watch the sun set in the western horizon
the moon appears in the eastern sky
as if the sun dropping on a seesaw
is launching it upward into place

finger-painted clouds glow with brilliance
I imagine portals into other dimensions
beyond doors of gold, apricot, and lavender
mysteries just missed by an airplane
managing not to stray from its course

staring directly into the fiery orb
I close my eyes before the water comes
searing the image before me
into the back of my eyelids
like glowing red crayon

my senses alert with eyes closed
I detect the odor of decaying leaves
rustling as scurrying squirrels store acorns
birds gather on wires holding meetings of preparation
as crickets serenade the last days of warmth

* first published in SecondWind in December 2004